
pysac.io.gdf_writer.write_field(gdf_file, field, field_shape=None, arr_slice=slice(None, None, None), collective=False, api='high')[source] [edit on github]

Write a field to an existing gdf file.


gdf_file: h5py.File

Open, writeable gdf file

field: dict

A dict containing the following keys:

‘field’: ndarray ‘field_title’: string ‘field_name’: string ‘field_units’: string ‘field_to_cgs’: float ‘staggering’: 0 or 1

arr_slice: (optional) np.s_

The slice of the whole dataset to write

staggering: (optional) int

The ‘staggering’ of the gdf field

collective: bool

Use MPI collective write

api: str

‘high’ or ‘low’ signifiyng the h5py API to use for write. Used for benchmarking.