
pysac.plot.mayavi_plotting_functions.change_surface_scalars(new_tube, surf_bar_label, scalar_name, colorbar_label=None, lim=None, log10=False)[source] [edit on github]

Change the surface scalars of an existing surface object, and change the associated colorbar and text objects. Note: This is hard coded to be easier for velocity surfaces.


new_tube: mayavi.modules.surface.Surface

The Surface

surf_bar_label: mayavi.modules.text.Text

The text object

scalar_name: string

The name to set the scalar to.

colorbar_label: string

The string to set the colorbar tex object to, if None it will guess velocity ones.

lim:[None, float, int or [min,max]]

If lim is None symmetric limits will be created covering the whole dynamic range, if the input is a number symmetric limts will e made with that as a maximum, if a [min,max] pair is passed that will be the limits.

log10: bool

Scale the scalar with log scaling.

