pysac.plot Module


fieldlines(v1, v2, seeds[, dS]) Simple 2D Euler fieldline integrator.


FixedCentre([vmin, vmax, clip]) Normalise with a Fixed Centre If vmin or vmax is not given, they are taken from the input’s minimum and maximum value respectively.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pysac.plot.helpers.FixedCentre

pysac.plot.mayavi_plotting_functions Module

This module provides a set of helper functions to make mayavi scenes into nice plots. It also provides routines for the visualisation of flux surfaces.


set_text(text_property) Set the text to sane defaults
set_cbar_text(cbar[, lut_manager])
add_axes(ranges[, obj])
add_cbar_label(cbar, title)
add_colourbar(module, position, position2, title)
draw_surface(surf_poly, cmap[, scalar, ...]) Draw a mayavi surface from a PolyData object.
change_surface_scalars(new_tube, ...[, ...]) Change the surface scalars of an existing surface object, and change the associated colorbar and text objects.

pysac.plot.mayavi_seed_streamlines Module

This module contains a custom streamlining class derived from the MayaVi2 streamlining class, modified to accept an array of seed points for visulaisation using mayavi.


The documentation for this class cannot be built on Read The Docs, it is possible to build it locally.

You can use this class thus:

Create a new Streamline instance and add it to a pipeline

>>> from pysac.plot.mayavi_seed_streamline import SeedStreamline
>>> field_lines = SeedStreamline(seed_points = np.array(seeds))
>>> myvectorfield.add_child(field_lines)